Intro to Aquatic Bodywork

Ways of Water

This course goes beyond teaching the fundamentals of aquatic therapy-it invites you to deepen your personal connection with water, allowing you to express a unique story, a fluid dance, a resonant melody. The program includes a blend of theoretical and practical learning. We will cover essential concepts to help you understand the principles of working with water, emphasizing safety and proper body mechanics. However, the heart of the course lies in hands-on practice. You will engage in dynamic movements and fluid sequences both in and out of the water, gaining a deeper awareness of the body’s intricate mechanisms. You’ll discover how water can be harnessed to facilitate movement, enhance buoyancy, provide

Over the course of two and a half days, we’ll dive deep into the world of water, exploring its unique qualities both above and below the surface. This journey will not only introduce you to the fundamentals of aquatic therapy but also guide you to connect with your personal relationship with water-inviting you to create your own story, dance, and melody within it.

The course blends theory with practice. You’ll gain a solid understanding of water’s principles, discussing essential topics like safety and proper body mechanics. Yet, most of our time Will be spent in the water, learning hands-on techniques, movements, and sequences designed to unlock the body’s natural mechanics.

Discover how water can facilitate graceful movement, deepen connection with others, bring buoyancy and resistance, and hold space for the release of emotions

Over 2.5 transformative days, we will delve into the dynamic and soothing properties of water, both above and below the surface.


Ways of Water Present

22-24 Nov


Early bird by OCT 21

To register: 415.577.5088

Dive into  a Weekend of Aquatic Healing

Early bird by OCT 31

$590 by Oct 31

$650 Thereafter

To register: 415.577.5088

Starts: Nov 22 Friday 5PM 

Ends: Nov 24 Sunday 6PM

Nov 25 Monday 10AM-1PM (Optional)

Add The Three Sisters Kuanyin Sanctuary In Oakland

Daily Schedule   

  • Fundamentals
  • Above and Below
  • Fluid Form
  • Creative Expression
  • Water Principals
  • Connection

Resistance, and act as a medium for containing and releasing emotions.

Join us in immersing yourself in the

transformative world of aquatic therapy, where solid foundational knowledge meets the authentic poetry of individual expression.